Smaržu Paraugi

5 produkti

    Smaržu paraugi ir lielisks veids, kā atklāt jaunus aromātus un izmēģināt dažādas smaržas pirms pilnas pudeles iegādes. Šīs miniatūras smaržu pudelītes ļauj sajust un atklāt jaunas un dažādas smaržas un izvēlēties sev tīkamāko bez lieliem finanšu ieguldījumiem. Tas ir lielisks veids, kā atklāt jaunus zīmolus vai pat atklāt savu jauno iecienītāko aromātu.

    5 produkti
    Faan Madawi perfumed water for women 100ml - Royalsperfume Faan Perfume
    Faan Madawi perfumed water for women 100ml - Royalsperfume Faan Perfume
    Faan Madawi parfimēts ūdens sievietēm 100ml
    no €5,78 Parastā cena €6,80 Ietaupīt €1,02
    Aroma West Aroma Therapy eau de parfum unisex - Royalsperfume AROMA WEST Perfume
    Aroma West Aroma Therapy eau de parfum unisex - Royalsperfume AROMA WEST Perfume
    Aroma West Aroma Therapy parfimērijas ūdens unisex
    no €4,50 Parastā cena €5,00 Ietaupīt €0,50
    Aroma West Aroma for Happiness eau de parfum unisex - Royalsperfume AROMA WEST Perfume
    Aroma West Aroma for Happiness eau de parfum unisex - Royalsperfume AROMA WEST Perfume
    Aroma West Aroma for Happiness
    no €3,60 Parastā cena €4,00 Ietaupīt €0,40
    Aroma West RAHEEB perfumed water unisex - Royalsperfume AROMA WEST Perfume
    Aroma West RAHEEB perfumed water unisex - Royalsperfume AROMA WEST Perfume
    Aroma West RAHEEB parfimēts ūdens unisex
    no €3,60 Parastā cena €4,00 Ietaupīt €0,40
    Aroma West Aroma Rose perfumed water for women - Royalsperfume AROMA WEST Perfume
    Aroma West Aroma Rose perfumed water for women - Royalsperfume AROMA WEST Perfume
    Aroma West Aroma Rose
    no €3,60 Parastā cena €4,00 Ietaupīt €0,40
    Nesen skatīts


    Sāciet, nosakot vēlamo smaržu grupu (piemēram, ziedu, Vudijs,
    citrusaugļu, Austrumu) un apsveriet gadījumus, kad lietosiet smaržu.
    smaržas (piemēram, ikdienišķas, svinīgas, dienas, vakara). Arī produktu aprakstu un pircēju atsauksmju lasīšana var būt noderīga, lai noteiktu, kuri aromāti jums varētu būt vispiemērotākie. Varat arī apsvērt iespēju izmēģināt paraugu vai atklāšanas komplektu, pirms iegādāties pilna izmēra flakonu.

    The primary difference is the concentration of fragrance oils, which
    impacts the longevity and intensity of the scent. Eau de Parfum has the
    highest concentration (typically 15-20%), followed by Eau de Toilette
    (5-15%) and Eau de Cologne (2-4%). As a result, EDPs tend to last longer
    and have a stronger scent than EDTs and EDCs.

    Fragrance notes are the individual scents that make up a perfume's
    composition. They are typically divided into three categories: top notes, middle (or heart) notes, and base notes.

    Top notes are the initial scents you perceive and are usually lighter and more volatile.

    Middle notes emerge as the top notes dissipate, and they form the heart
    of the fragrance.

    Base notes are the longest-lasting and provide depth
    and longevity to the perfume.

    Perfume can smell differently on different people due to our unique
    body chemistry. If you have dry skin, you may want to opt for a
    stronger, more concentrated perfume as fragrance tends not to last as
    long on dry skin. If your skin is oily, a lighter concentration like eau
    de toilette may work well for you.

    Typically, lighter, fresher fragrances are suitable for daytime and
    warmer months, while heavier, richer scents are more appropriate for
    evenings and colder months. However, the best perfume for any occasion
    is the one that makes you feel comfortable and confident.

    Royals Perfume - special perfume samples for yourself or as a gift
    If you want to try a new fragrance without spending too much, samples are ideal.
    You can always buy new testers when the larger perfume containers run out, but if
    you don't know what fragrance to choose now, it's worth choosing. A real test will
    be much more useful and will give you real feedback that you won't get even from a
    detailed product description.
    Sometimes samples reveal even perfect combinations. For example, by purchasing
    several types of samples, you can find your new everyday and special occasion
    perfumes. The freedom to allow yourself to try more options will also unlock more
    possibilities that might otherwise remain untouched when shopping online,
    according to the description.
    Perfume samples also make an ideal gift or part of it. If you know that your friend,
    loved one or significant other really likes perfume, but you don't know exactly which
    one to buy, you can give several testers as a gift. The person who has tried them will
    be able to tell you what they like best, and you will choose a new perfume based on

    How to buy perfume samples?

    It is most convenient to purchase samples online from the Royals Perfume online
    store. As one of the leaders in the field of perfumery in Lithuania, we can offer not
    only a wide range of products at attractive prices, but also a lot of information about
    each product. Here you will find out which notes are dominant, who is eligible for
    the promotion and more. In addition, when buying from Royals Perfume, you will be
    able to choose the most convenient payment and delivery methods.

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